
How to Take Better Advantage of Digital Channels

May 23, 2021

Marketing Tips And Tricks For Your Website

Do you know your digital channels?

Everyone knows the importance of using digital channels, but few people know how to use these channels to establish a really effective relationship with their audience.

How it Works

Firstly, it should be clear that each channel (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, WhatApp, Twitter, etc.) has its own particularities regarding the media format it supports and the type of engagement it provides.

Everyone knows the importance of using digital channels, but few people know how to use these channels to establish a really effective relationship with their audience.

Doing it Right

Today, many people post, for example, a post on Instagram and then replicate the same post on Facebook, without changing a comma. These channels have different types of audiences, different types of indexing algorithms (which post you will see first), value different types of media and provide different types of engagement.

Creating Relationships

The objective here is obviously not to go into the detail of each tool, but rather to draw attention to an important item: if you strongly use digital channels to communicate with your audience, try to find out more about the platform itself – and the differences between they. It is important to know techniques for creating posts to increase engagement, but it is also important to understand how the tool that will provide this engagement works.

And yes, it’s a lot to learn, but as I said in another post, today we have at our disposal the same arsenal of tools that all (yes all!) companies have at their disposal – and it doesn’t matter the size of this company.
Know how to use it to get the most out of it.

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